Archives 2023

It was a blast! The 16th edition of OSMC was a full success and we’re super amazed about the high number of Open-Source addicts that joined us this year. With more than 230 international attendees, 32 expert speakers from all over the world we had a full house at OSMC.

We shout out a big “Thank You” to everyone who made OSMC 2022 to an unforgettable and absolutely exciting onsite event! A special thanks also goes out to our much valued sponsors!

As every year we provide a comprehensive documentation of all talks including slides and video recordings. In addition, there are lots of awesome photographs of the conference itself. So, check out our archives and take a walk down memory lane!

But most importantly: Save the date for next year: OSMC 2023 | November 7 – 9 | Nuremberg

Videos & Slides