Submit a talk



Your contribution to OSMC 2024 is very much appreciated! Presentations that focus on a comprehensive technical insight are very much appreciated. We are looking for submissions on new topics or open source projects, technical backgrounds, the latest developments, new features and techniques, tutorials, case studies, best practices as well as future trends and perspectives.

A Q&A session is scheduled after each presentation. The conference will be held in English and German. Presentations in English are particularly welcome!

Choose the presentation format that suits you best!

Ignite | 5 minutes

As a presenter, you must make tough decisions. How long should you present? How many slides should you create? How should you organize the speech? – You prefer a clear structure? Submit an Ignite talk: Five minutes to talk accompanied by 20 slides, 15 seconds each.

30 minute talk

An Ignite talk is not exactly the right thing for you, but nevertheless you like to put things in a nutshell and keep it short and simple? For you we have created the medium lecture format limited to 30 minutes.

45 minute talk

Your findings require more time? You are used to presenting in around an hour? Or you want to integrate a live demonstration of a feature into your talk? Submit a talk for the full lecture format of 45 minutes.


    Personal information

    Submission details

    Terms & Conditions

    I have read and accepted the Speaker Agreement.

    I have read and accepted the Terms & Conditions and the Code of Conduct.


    FOR TALKS & Workshops

    1. All software presented must be freely available for download and therefore meet Open Source standards such as GPL.
    2. Presentations accepted for this conference are strictly educational. Content of promotional nature will not be accepted.
    3. To ensure diversity and appeal to a general and varied audience, preference will be given to first time submissions.