IGNITE: Honeypot Flavors: Open-Source Honeypots and their Use in the Automotive Industry

In this talk, we want to highlight the variety of open-source honeypots—decoy resources that mimic a valuable target system to entice adversaries—across multiple domains. Furthermore, we provide an outline of how existing open-source software can be used to tailor solutions for new and unique domains. As an example, we give a brief insight into our research on the use of open-source honeypots in the automotive environment, where most devices run on proprietary software.


  • Niclas Ilg
    Niclas Ilg
    Bosch GmbH Corporate Research

    Niclas Ilg received the B. Sc. And M. Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Tuebingen, Germany, in 2020 and 2022. Currently, he is a PhD student at Bosch Research, Germany. His research focuses on security automation and honeypot systems.


Nov 08 2023


13:30 - 13:35

