Making your Kubernetes-based log collection reliable & durable with Vector

Vector is an Open Source high-performance solution for collecting & processing your observability data. In this talk, I will share our experience using it for log collection in hundreds of Kubernetes clusters. Which features make Vector special, so we preferred it over other solutions? How did we deploy and setup it up in Kubernetes? What were our main challenges in adopting Vector, and how we overcame them? I will also summarise our lessons learned covering K8s logs collection in general.


  • Maksim Nabokikh
    Maksim Nabokikh
    Palark GmbH

    Maksim is a software engineer with more than eight years of experience. Since December’2020, he has been an architect and tech lead of Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform (, a certified Kubernetes distribution. Since April’2021, he is also a maintainer of Dex (, a CNCF Sandbox project. Starting in 2019, Maksim actively participated in the open-source community by contributing to observability-connected projects such as Prometheus, Grafana, OpenTelemetry, Prometheus Operator, Vector, and many more. In 2022, Maksim became a Kubernetes organization member and contributor, working together with sig-auth on significant KEPs connected to authentication.


Nov 08 2023


10:30 - 11:00

